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expatriate asbestos sufferers | Asbestos sufferers | National Asbestos Helpline

Help and support available to expatriate asbestos sufferers

There are millions of British people living abroad. Some left Britain many years ago in search of better work prospects, others have left more recently, to enjoy their retirement in warmer climates.

Unfortunately the shadow of asbestos exposure hangs over many British nationals living abroad. Exposure to asbestos which they suffered many years ago can come back to haunt them in the form of asbestos-related conditions and these can have a terrible impact. Being diagnosed with a serious condition can lead to a feeling of helplessness and isolation; this can become even more pronounced when you are living abroad. The National Asbestos Helpline can provide you with the help and support you need.

  • We have been able to support British nationals living in Spain, Canada, America and Australia
  • Guaranteed call back service when you contact us via our website or email
  • Emotional support and expert guidance provided by our dedicated team

On our website you will find practical information to help you cope with the day-to-day realities of living with an asbestos condition, as well as information about your condition and what it could mean for you. You can also get access to our free and informative booklets to read online, or request that hard copies be sent to you.

You should also be aware that expatriate status does not prevent you from accessing the wide range of financial help available to those suffering from asbestos conditions. The National Asbestos Helpline can guide you through the process of applying for benefits to which you may be entitled. The monies received from these benefits can help you put in place necessary aids and equipment, thus limiting the impact your condition has on your daily life.

We can also advise you on whether you are eligible to make a civil compensation claim and provide you with clear and helpful guidance as to what this process entails. We can also put you in contact with expert asbestos-lawyers, who have secured in excess of £30 million in damages in the last 5 years for victims of asbestos exposure. Compensation can be of great help and assistance to you and your family. Call or email us today for more information.

With us, it’s personal

The National Asbestos Helpline was set up to help asbestos related disease sufferers and their families.

With our knowledgeable, professional and compassionate approach, we help and support thousands of people across the UK to access financial, emotional and practical support and, where appropriate, legal representation from specialist asbestos compensation claims solicitors.

If you, a family member or a friend has been diagnosed with Mesothelioma, Pleural Thickening, Asbestosis, Asbestos Lung Cancer or Pleural Plaques, we are here to help.
